Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Zachariah had a quiet time

Zachariah had a quiet time

Let's just get this out of the way, I believe Zachariah was struck mute as a sign, not as punishment!! I don't believe God punishes! I just don't!! God corrects!! God gave Zachariah a quiet time!!! Don't call it punishment!! I'm going to try not to get all worked up.

Consider: Barren for your whole life, Sure there's an angel there but there were 2 impossible factors here! Asking for a sign, that doesn't seem so bad!

Luke 1:19 The angel answered, "I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. 20 And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time."

"because you did not believe my words" - to me this means "because you requested a sign and my words were not enough for you".

But I'm wrong there, because, Gabriel is not deceived, or confused, or interpreting behavior and body language and tone of voice. Gabriel knows that Zachariah does not believe. I cannot interpret that any other way.

But even in his weakness, Zachariah is going to get something from Gabriel. Not only does he get this Fantastic news, this mind-blowing blessing, this glorious promise, but also: He received a sign.

And this is what I call the sign: Wonderful!!! Every single time that he couldn't say "Yes, I want fries with that!" he was walking in the sign of what God was going to do!!! The strength and certainty of it must have been awesome!!!

Punishment to me would be "Hey, Zach, I'm giving that baby John to some other family who will believe me because you don't believe me and you are just a big jerk, and I'm striking you mute anyway, forever." Okay, I'm getting a little carried away there. But did that happen? No!

God will take us wherever we are spiritually and use us to His glory! Isn't that great?!! He will take our weaknesses and mold us, He will cleanse us of unrighteousness!! The more I talk about this, the more I just love it!!

So I will get worked up, because the way God loves us is awesome!! The plans he has for us are glorious!! No matter where we are now!

Every blessing to you this glorious holiday season.

Grace is not afraid that things aren't going to change

Sing with me!!

--> -->John Mark McMillan: Londontown

There is a lion

Coming into Londontown

Walking on the promenade

Standing in the underground

He's not afraid of rain, the pain,

That things aren't gonna change

I can feel it in my veins.

He's not afraid of rain, the pain,

That things aren't gonna change

I can feel it now.

The thing is, I don't know if those lyrics are right, there are none printed on the cd case.
However, that is what I hear, that is what I sing. That is what rings true for me, it resonates in my spirit: Jesus is not afraid that things aren't going to change.

I refuse to be afraid either!!!! I am going to hear the calling He has placed on me, I'm going to focus on him, I'm going to fast for longing of Him!! I'm not going to despair at the worldliness around me, I'm not even sure how I got out of it, and the longer that I'm in this deeper place, the less I understand why I thought what I used to think!! The less I can make a rule for how to keep someone out of that worldliness, or make a formula to get them into the deep!!

The other thing that is ringing through my spirit in this hour is GRACE!!! Is it true that God has forgiven all our sins, past, present and future?? I'm still trying to figure that out!!

Is it true that He will never be angry with us again?? He gave Noah the rainbow as a sign of no more floods, He told Isaiah that just like He promised Noah, He promises to never be angry with us again!!! Is He really not angry with me if I screw up? Is there really therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?

What is the balance between Holiness unto the Lord and Grace which He died and rose to give us? I'm still looking for a formula!

I am beloved, I am being transformed into a spotless Bride!! My righteousness is as filthy rags, He Is My Righteousness!!!

This Holy Spirit is Moving!! I'm not going to be afraid that things aren't going to change. They are changing. Jesus, let Your Kingdom Come!!!

Believe God, I mean BELIEVE GOD

Believe God, I mean BELIEVE GOD

My dear child comes to me yesterday and has a little clipboard. On it are written: Name, Clue, Anything Else is Possible. Apparently there is deductive reasoning in education these days. We try to decide what mystery to solve. So there has been a mystery in our home for weeks and weeks now. What happened to Goodnight Moon? Has anyone seen it? Where did it go? I have looked and looked. But it seems that dear child is up for some systematic deduction and serious searching, so we're ready to solve this little mystery. So first, I say, we have to pray about it. Because God knows exactly where that book is. He knows what it is under, next to, behind. He knows the last time I saw it and said to myself, that doesn't belong there, I'll have to move it back, and then never did! He knows which of these children moved it and when and He knows where it is right now. And, if we pray together, one puts a thousand to flight, 2 puts 10 thousand to flight, and I don't know how many we would put to flight, but it would be a lot!!! I can't do the math! So dear child says Dear Lord, please help us find Goodnight Moon this week.

And I said NO. Dear Lord, TODAY, this afternoon, show us where it is, help us to find it, help us remember where we saw it. Thank you Lord! We pray in Jesus' name.

What do you think? Is that bad parenting? Was I setting this child up to be scarred for life? NO, I said. You will believe God for more than that. We can believe God for more than that.

In the end I think it only took 10 minutes to find it, PRAISE GOD. I'm not kidding, I have looked and looked for that book. AND THERE IT WAS.

I just think God wants to do some work in our lives!! Let me all cap that: I JUST THINK GOD WANTS TO DO SOME WORK IN OUR LIVES!!!

I must keep the all caps:



What is it that Gary Wiens says, He wants us to thank Him, and ask Him for help again.

Thank you Lord!!!

Help us!!!

Respectfully submitted to spread the blessing!

2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 2:22

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

I found this yesterday and it reminded me of youthful people, and I thought as I looked it up today that it is an easy "address" to remember.

So I want to ponder it for a moment:

FLEE!!! Flee those evil desires of youth! You youthful people!! With your evil desires!! Just Kidding, I believe we all have evil desires, that we have had from our youth and hung on to. So Flee! Everybody! from those evil desires. (lest you be dragged away and enticed!!! See James 1 for that, it's in there somewhere.)

Pursue: Chase After: Make a point to find: Go out of your way to get:

righteousness, faith, love and peace: All good stuff!!

We can't have righteousness without repentance: REPENT!!! Walk in repentance! (ADD ON: Walk, don't grovel! We can come boldly to the throne of grace. He won't love us any more than he does, and we don't score points for guilt. We are the righteousness of God in Christ, apart from our performance. Repent, move on. He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, so let Him cleanse you!! Don't strive!)

We can't have faith if we don't believe: BELIEVE!!! We can't believe if we don't know: STUDY, LEARN, BE TAUGHT!!

LOVE: I can't synopsize love. We know what love is, don't we? But do we know how much love there is for us to receive? Open your heart to receive a little more of the love of Christ - RECEIVE IT!! EXTEND IT!!

PEACE: Peace passes all understanding, doesn't it? So that means I can't explain it! Praise God!!

"along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

Along with: be reinforced in the fellowship of other believers, with pure hearts, not strange motives. And those who have a pure heart SEE GOD!!

May we all SEE GOD!!!
One more time:

2 Timothy 2:22

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Blessings to you