Thursday, July 9, 2009

Naomi: Friend of the Bridegroom!!

Naomi was a friend of the bridegroom!!
Like the church is to the believer.
Like the Pastor is to the person.
Like the Holy Spirit.

I was at a bible study this week and it’s going through the women of the bible and the study book has given each woman a title, and attributed a certain trait or quality to each woman. It’s kind of a gimmick. And I don’t fault the book for wanting a gimmick. It has 12 topics it wants to go through, and it wants to match them up to biblical women. That’s fine. But I need to recognize there is a truth that is greater than gimmicks, right?

I remember Rosemary Clooney got very cross with Bing Crosby when he saw her sister’s gimmick, but it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? It snowed and everything!! (Please watch White Christmas if none of this makes sense.)

So the study called Ruth obedient. Which puzzled me! Why, of all the things in the world, would you call her obedient?

And it rankles me a little, because I’m already up to here with obedience. It always seems to be portrayed as “God is pretty ticked off and you better start obeying”. And maybe that’s just how I hear it. But to me there is no obedience without love. The motivating force behind obedience is love, not appeasement. What’s the motivating force?? Love. LOOOOVE. Lo-ho-ho-ho-hove. Whose love? His love. Jesus’ love. He does not need to be appeased, pampered so that maybe He will not smack us down. He was smacked down for us, and we never have to fear it again. Anything He leads us to do will just be a great idea!! Why didn’t I think of that? It might look like obedience to those around us, or it might not!

So that’s just my thing.

So it is hovering around in my mind, Ruth, obedience, woman of excellence, Boaz.
Naomi, Mara, bond of affection, mindless obedience, wisdom. Feet. Honor.

What a story. Read it yourself. It’s not that long.

Because it strikes me that Ruth is smart. She has a bond of affection to her mother in law, Naomi, who is grieving bitterly and trying to pick up the pieces of her life. Naomi is getting under the spout where the blessing pours out, right? She is returning to the land that God is blessing!! Ruth determines to join her, based on a bond of affection, trust, love, and basic wisdom: God’s there, let’s go there. Let’s roll!

Ruth proceeds to follow all of the wisdom that Naomi advises. She falls into a divine appointment or two, and continues to follow wisdom.

Is that really obedience? Because it just sounds smart to me.

Was Naomi issuing commands? It just sounds like good wisdom to me.

What kind of wisdom? The kind that gets Ruth and Boaz married. Which makes Naomi not just a wise woman, but a friend… of the bridegroom. (Granted, Naomi didn’t know Boaz well, but anyone who helps you get fixed up with your true love, that person is your friend for sure!)

Friend of the Bridegroom. John the Baptist was a friend of the bridegroom. Preparing a people to meet their bridegroom, Jesus. Prepare the way, make straight the path for Him. Let the King of Glory enter in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord.

Hey Jesus, you rock!

Anyhoo, the friend of the bridegroom is anyone who helps another make straight the path for the Lord for them. Make straight. Even out the bumps, better drainage. A nice culvert perhaps. Obey the word.

Obey? Who said that? Because it just seems like a good idea.

So I submit here that obedience is not something to be feared or dreaded. It is not drudgery. It is not even that hard!! It is just a good idea!! It is just wisdom to follow the word!! The Spirit speaks life to you, abundant life!! It’s a great idea!! It’s going to be easier than you thought, especially if you’re just full of dread!!

I don’t even know what I’m talking about, because obedience to God covers a wide range of life matters. But I do know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed to Him against that day.

So, be blessed. Jesus loves you, and He’s full of good ideas.

Bible References: Ruth, the whole book.
Friend of Bridegroom: John 3:22-36 John the Baptist’s mission: Luke 3:1-19
Also, Psalm 24. Also, 2 Timothy 1:12, KJV
The musical film White Christmas - not biblical.