What if we are drawing closer and closer to the end times?
What if the shakings and rumblings in the world are shaking and rumbling us right into the end of the age? What if God’s timing is drawing near?
Israel exists!!! That which was scattered for over a thousand years, almost TWO THOUSAND YEEEARS!!! is now sitting quietly over there in the middle east, fighting for its existence, but still, there it is. Israel is kind of important in the bible. And a lot of what the bible says about end-times seems to hinge on Israel. And for almost TWO THOUSAND YEEEARS!!! Israel did not exist. A lot of church doctrine was determined during those almost TWO THOUSAND YEEEARS!!! So it makes sense that not many churches give a second thought to end times, it’s not in their doctrine.
But up pops Israel. And now, my generation, we don’t even bat an eye at the significance.
What if end-times have been set in motion?
What if the time is shorter than we think?
What if the lovers of Christ, His bride, have awakened to Him? Do they have oil in their lamps? Are they ready to shine?
Because His bride will have oil, and she will be shining and radiant and powerful.
Sometimes I catch a glimpse of His bride being shining and radiant and powerful. I also get way more than a glimpse of the shaking and rumbling, and I think to myself: Time is Short.
And if Time is Short, what we do with the time is worth so much more.
So it’s like Dog Years!!!
To a human a year is a year, but to a dog a year is 7 years, because their time is shorter.
If we understood how short our time is I think we would use it differently, more wisely. What we do can be valuable and concentrated!!! The container is smaller, the content can be richer!! I am seeking God to understand how He wants me to use my time, His time. Dog years!!
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