Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Zachariah had a quiet time

Zachariah had a quiet time

Let's just get this out of the way, I believe Zachariah was struck mute as a sign, not as punishment!! I don't believe God punishes! I just don't!! God corrects!! God gave Zachariah a quiet time!!! Don't call it punishment!! I'm going to try not to get all worked up.

Consider: Barren for your whole life, Sure there's an angel there but there were 2 impossible factors here! Asking for a sign, that doesn't seem so bad!

Luke 1:19 The angel answered, "I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. 20 And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time."

"because you did not believe my words" - to me this means "because you requested a sign and my words were not enough for you".

But I'm wrong there, because, Gabriel is not deceived, or confused, or interpreting behavior and body language and tone of voice. Gabriel knows that Zachariah does not believe. I cannot interpret that any other way.

But even in his weakness, Zachariah is going to get something from Gabriel. Not only does he get this Fantastic news, this mind-blowing blessing, this glorious promise, but also: He received a sign.

And this is what I call the sign: Wonderful!!! Every single time that he couldn't say "Yes, I want fries with that!" he was walking in the sign of what God was going to do!!! The strength and certainty of it must have been awesome!!!

Punishment to me would be "Hey, Zach, I'm giving that baby John to some other family who will believe me because you don't believe me and you are just a big jerk, and I'm striking you mute anyway, forever." Okay, I'm getting a little carried away there. But did that happen? No!

God will take us wherever we are spiritually and use us to His glory! Isn't that great?!! He will take our weaknesses and mold us, He will cleanse us of unrighteousness!! The more I talk about this, the more I just love it!!

So I will get worked up, because the way God loves us is awesome!! The plans he has for us are glorious!! No matter where we are now!

Every blessing to you this glorious holiday season.

1 comment:

God Rocks said...

Hey Sue! I'm excited to read everything! We'll learn about this together!