Friday, May 29, 2009

The Table of the King

I was thinking about Mephibosheth. Thanks to a song I heard. (John Mark McMillan and his song “Carbon Ribs”.) The song is a puzzle to me, because the goal for me is no more cripples! And certainly none at His table!!

So I figure the song is speaking of Mephibosheth. 2 Samuel chapter 9 and 16 and 19. And that is a story. A mystery, really, towards the end. Who’s side was he on? What were his motives? King David didn’t know. David made a decision and changed Mephibosheth’s status. God never added input to the situation, pro or con. Mephibosheth maintained his innocence, but admitting guilt would have probably been deadly. So it is a puzzle.

So I think of Jesus. I think Jesus would know the answer. And if I were the cripple at His table, I think He would know my answer too.

The thing is, Mephibosheth was blessed to be at the table. And for years he was there. Dining at the king’s table. What an honor. Probably completely loyal and grateful. The last remaining heir of Saul in a position of honor at the new royal table, a lifelong position of honor and fellowship.

But one day, there is a change. A reversal of fortune for the King David, he is on the run and things look bad for everyone, both for the king and for his plotting son. But, if you are in the right place at the right time, it could be a fortuitous position to be in, if you were the last remaining heir of a former royal family. You would have a choice to make, two roads before you: Loyalty to the king on the run, or stepping into something for yourself. Or a third, loyalty to the new guy, if he looks like he’s going to win.

We sit at Jesus table, and His banner over us is Love. And today we are grateful, and so glad to be near Him. We sit at His feet like Mary. We drink Him in. And if we were foolish, we might think we will be this way forever. We will always be at this table and feel just like we do now.

But Jesus knows what things look like down the road. He knows that there will be times when it looks to us like He is on the run. And He knows what we will think at those times, and He knows what we will do. He knows when we will fail. He knows when we will overcome. He sees the end from the beginning. Jesus knows we only have this moment to live in, our choices are sequential, and not reversible. Time moves forward, not back.

Still He says Come and eat. Sit with Me, let’s share a meal. The bread is already broken for you! I know today was hard. Tomorrow will be better. I know the trouble isn’t over. But have some meat, it’ll help you grow up big and strong.

If I were Mephibosheth, and really I might as well be, Jesus invites me in, regardless. Whether the motives were good or bad, Jesus knows us, and He is not afraid of our crappy motives. He can work with us. He can transform us, TRANSFORM!!! Do you think Jesus is a moron? He’s not!! He’s just not afraid of our sin.

It seems the only requirement He has is to come and eat. Knowing it is His table, knowing who we are, and what we just did, and coming anyway. Knowing it is only Him who can transform us. There is no point to anything else.

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